english gematria is an ancient system of understanding words and numbers which uses a variation of the Hebrew alphabetic numerology known as gematria. This is typically used to interpret the bible, but is also used to bring out hidden meanings and insights in other kinds of literature as well.
Gematria can be traced all the way back to around 1000-700 B.C., where it was first used by the ancient Greeks and Hebrews for deciphering words and numbers in sacred and mystical texts. Over time, this same system was adopted by Jewish Kabbalists, Christian mystics, alchemists, Rosicrucians, Masonic initiates, magicians and occultists alike, who all found great value in numerology's symbolic meanings.
So what does English Gematria entail exactly? Each letter of the English language has been assigned an individual number or range of numbers—for example, A = 1; B = 2-12; C = 13-23; D = 24-34; so on and so forth. From here gematria practitioners use this numbering system to add up the numerical values of multiple words related to one another in order to discover hidden meanings within them.
For instance: if we were to take "God" (G + o + d) which totals 26, we could then compare that number with other common religious words such as "Jesus" (J + e + s + u + s) which totals 101 – revealing a correlation between the two concepts that would not be apparent on simply reading them alone. This practice is similar to that of horoscopes where practitioners look for symbols associated with certain numbers in order to gain insight into life events or spiritual messages.
It's also important to note that two languages are typically always used for English Gematria – Hebrew letters representing number values from 1-1000 and Latin characters continuing beyond that point). Therefore it's possible for gematria users to determine which words correspond with specific numeric values simply through altering the code from one language into another!
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